
ByDesign leads students, through inquiry based learning, to discover nature’s beauty and the God who created it.

TIMOTHY G. STANDISH, PhD, Geoscience Research Institute, Loma Linda, CA

Guiding students through the journey of inquiry

Ten Curriculum Goals Support the Unique Philosophy of Adventist Education

The ten Journey to Excellence (J2E) goals are blended within the content development and visual design presentation of ByDesign. Educational skills development such as creative thinking, problem solving, and group collaboration is essential within the educational model. Conceptual understanding is encouraged through learning observations, talking, asking questions, drawing, and journaling.

Landmark Icons

Scripture Spotlight
Bible text or reference that focuses on specific Adventist beliefs and related to the enduring understandings.

Commitment to Church

Each student will desire to know live and share the message and mission of the Seventh-day Adventist church.

Faith Connection
Essential questions or concepts that guide in the development of an Adventist worldview.

Acceptance of God

Each student will surrender his or her whole life to God, develop a relationship with Jesus Christ, and allow the power of God’s Word united with the Holy Spirit to work in his or her life.

Interpersonal Relationships

Each student will develop a sense of self-worth, skills in inter-personal relationships, an understanding of the responsibilities of family membership, and the ability to respond with sensitivity to the needs of others.

Called to Serve
Profiles of Christian men, women, and organizations whose lives/mission demonstrate service to humanity in a science-related career.

Career and Service

Each student will develop a Christian work ethic with an appreciation for the dignity of service.

Responsible Citizenship

Each student will develop an understanding of cultural and historical heritages, affirm a belief in the dignity and worth of others, and accept responsibility for local, national, and global environments.

Focus on Health
Concepts that focus on physical, mental, and spiritual health and relate to the enduring understandings.

Healthy Balanced Living

Each student will accept personal responsibility for achieving and maintaining optimum physical, mental, and spiritual health.

Personal Management

Each student will function responsibly in the everyday world using Christian principles of stewardship, economy, and personal management.

Science Journal - The Science Journal is used as a recording device for the inquiry activities as well as to summarize important lesson concepts. Additionally, students are asked to journal about their understanding of the lesson and how this relates to their Adventist education.

Intellectual Development -
Each student will adopt a systematic, logical, and biblically based approach to decision making and problem solving when applied to a developing body of knowledge through the lens of scientific understanding.

*J2E: Journey to Excellence